Sorry for the long delay! I will eventually release a final episode of Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals one day. We are so busy with a new house and Invercargill Vegan Society events, the podcast will come to a close. As I say at the end of each show, "thank YOU for listening", it's nice to know someone is! :-)
You can stay in touch with what we are up to on Facebook :-)
I just received this email TODAY, from an Australian listener. I was outside building a box to protect our strawberries from visiting birds :-)
"Ciao Jordan, what a sweet boy you seem. I love your gentle sense of humour and your strange rolling 'r's.
I have just discovered your podcasts - coexisting with non-human animals - and while I am watering garden I listen to you on my ipod and often laugh aloud.
I am a vegan after being a vegetarian for many years. At 60 years old I decided to learn italian and live more ethically. Both plans going very well so far.
Thanks very much for your generous sharing.
kind thoughts,
You can follow what we do for INVSOC on our Facebook page, and our website. Here is our latest event, marching in the Southland Santa Parade. We also have some vegan friendly chocolate santas to give away on the street :-)
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Sorry for the lack of updates! :-)
I've been busy with the Invercargill Vegan Society. Check us out at the Aotearoa New Zealand National Animal Rights Conference 2013 :-)
You can stay up to date with the Invercargill Vegan Society on our Facebook group, please join us :-)
You can stay up to date with the Invercargill Vegan Society on our Facebook group, please join us :-)
Friday, June 14, 2013
Episode 93 Vegan Wrath with Ruby Roth! (Soymilk on the Streets)
The Invercargill Vegan Society had a lovely time giving out soymilk on the street, and this episode we're joined by author Ruby Roth!
1m Dairy Monopoly "Fonterra" invades New Zealand Primary Schools, giving away free cows milk. Invercargill Vegan Society retaliates by taking soy milk to the streets!
6m Interview with a Vegan mother, after her 6 year old daughter sat through 45m meat brainwashing presentation at her primary school
18m Fonterra tries to buy off Invercargill Mayor Tim Shadbolt….but Vegans got there first!
20m Vegans hand out soymilk on the street
25m Interview with Vegan children's book author Ruby Roth, "That's Why We Don't Eat Animals" and "Vegan Is Love"
40m Invercargill Vegan Society "Welcome to Invercargill" Vegan Potluck Sign
41m Mediawatch Mention
43m INVSOC Vegan stall at Health and Disability expo
49m Interview with Matt Gerstenberger, Vegan cyclist who's image was used without permission by McDonalds!
56m Interview with Dreamweaver, Vegan friendly Quaker religion
1hr 8m New Zealand's National Animal Rights Conference 2013, Sneak Peek
Listen now by downloading directly from here or, better yet, subscribe in iTunes to get each episode automagically!
Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals iTunes link
Join us on Facebook!
Join us on Facebook!
Invercargill Vegan Society "Soymilk on the Streets" photos
Donating Ruby Roth's books to our public library!
Ruby Roth, fantastic Vegan childrens book author, "That's Why We Don't Eat Animals", "Vegan is Love"
Fonterra PR video : Invercargill launch of "Milk in Schools", featuring Invercargill Mayor Tim Shadbolt
TVNZ "Closeup", "Fonterra Committed To Milk In Schools" Brand Manager interview
McDonalds uses Vegan Cyclists photo without permission!
Quakers, Vegan friendly religion
Songs used:
"Dreamweaver", Gary Wright
"Earthquake", Labrinth
"Run This Town" Jay Z
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Episode 92 Dunedin Vegans Rock
Episode 92 Dunedin Vegans Rock!
1m National Animal Rights Conference 2013, held in Wellington!
5m We're number 13! New Zealand Equal Marriage
10m siren song in Portobello
11m Chelsea Slobbe interview, nationally televised baker, and she's VEGAN! Chelsea's "Chocolate Pineapple Upside Down Cake" is currently the highest rated recipe of all, well done! What an advocate for Veganism!
21m "Circadian Rhythm", Vegetarian Cafe in Dunedin. We spoke with owner Sue
24m Baldwin Street, worlds steepest!
28m "The Joyful Vegan" interview, amazing Vegan food stall at the Otago Farmers Market. Truly worldclass Vegan food
Listen now by downloading directly from here or, better yet, subscribe in iTunes to get each episode automagically!
Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals iTunes link
Hello and welcome to episode 92 of Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals, "Dunedin Vegans Rock!"
This episode, Jen and I travelled north to the city of Dunedin. Three times the size of Invercargill, there are vegan friendly businesses as far as the eye can see! Doubly so if you're near sighted and situated right in front of "The Joyful Vegan" :-)
Before we relive our trip to Dunedin, there will be another Animal Rights Conference this year in New Zealand! Jenny and I have already booked our plane tickets to the capital city of Wellington in the North Island, and are very excited. Its scheduled for late July, three months away. We can't wait!
You can hear my trip to the 2011 National Animal Rights Conference in Auckland in Episode 61, "Auckland Antics". I'll include a link in this episodes show notes. It feels so long ago, but I still sound the same. Lecturing, Demanding, Whining, Monotoning :-)
Lecturing, Demanding, Whining, Monotoning - two years on and I've still got it!
And speaking of vocal lesbians! Last night New Zealand voted to be the thirteenth country in the world to have equal marriage rights. I'm thrilled for all my gay and lesbian friends, honestly, I'll never forget where I was at the moment Parliament gave equal marriage rights to all New Zealanders, Heterosexual and Homosexual alike. I was in bed with Jen…….. eating Indian takeaway food (Chana Masala and Onion Bhaji with rice) while watching The Breakfast Club. Its a great story to tell our children. "You see son, on that historic night, your old ma and pa were in bed watching a movie from the 1980's! The Breakfast Club, with Molly Ringwald! And you know who else was huge in the 80's? Yes, Michael Jackson, wow!"
I'll never forget, and I'm so glad that New Zealand is now lucky 13th in the world. This years Animal Rights Conference is being held in Wellington, not Auckland. Perhaps this year, the lesbian couple who keep us up all night will be legally married! Hotel rooms will always have paper thin walls, but at least in terms of human rights, we're making some progress!
Heres the moment the bill was passed
And here is a fantastic speech from a Centre Right politician. Maurice Williamson. I'm a Green Party supporter, but regardless of politics, this speech is bloody awesome! Its been heard around the world, much like Cats the musical :-)
Well done Maurice Williamson, and well done New Zealand!
Ok, onwards and upwards, lets drive 200 kilometres north to the wonderful city of Dunedin!
Jenny and I had a lovely time. We went through the main city, and a couple small towns in surrounding bays.
During our visit to Portebello, I spotted a fantastic Dr Who letterbox. As I took some photos to share with friends on Facebook who love the tv series, a freaking siren went off!
I've never really watched Dr Who, but I don't think the ear splitting siren was related to the letterbox. Jen claims its for volunteer firefighters, but I reckon that Portebello is not particularly Vegan friendly, and we had been detected! Either they hate animal rights activists, or they hate people from Invercargill, take your pick!
But you know somewhere that LOVES Vegans, and tolerates people from Invercargill visiting for a weekend? Dunedin.
Dunedin has many examples of fine Vegan food. In fact, theres recently been a competition here in New Zealand to share your favourite recipe, and a Dunedin Vegan is currently in the lead!
I managed to interview Chelsea Slobbe about her Upside Down Pineapple Cake, which happens to be Vegan! As a featured recipe on the website, Chelsea stars in television ads demonstrating her recipe. This video is seen each week during primetime television, its an EXCELLENT form of Vegan activism!
How awesome is that? I found out about Dunedin vegan Chelsea Slobbe just after we left Dunedin, but don't fret loyal listeners, I've still managed to interview her through the wonders of Skype :-)
Thank you very much for your time Chelsea!
Staying with the letter C, after hearing from Chelsea, lets check in at Circdian Rhythm, a great Vegetarian cafe with many Vegan options. I spoke with Circadian Rhythm owner Sue:
While at Circadian Rhythm, we met New Zealand hero to the animals Carl Scott, the main in a cage. Carl locked himself in a cage for a month to protest animal welfare conditions in New Zealand.
Ok, so we know Dunedin has superb Vegan food, but what else do you do when visiting the city of Dunedin? I mean, you've jumped on a plane and flown from London, or Los Angeles, or Laos, or Lithuania, or Liberia, or Libya, or Luxembourg……and flown 20 odd hours to get to Dunedin, New Zealand. You haven't just come for a fantastic Chocolate Pineapple Upsidedown Cake, right? I mean, its TOTALLY awesome, and was a huge hit at the last Invercargill Vegan Society potluck, but we all know the reason you make the pilgrimage to Dunedin. To climb the worlds steepest street!
Baldwin Street, Dunedin. And it really is very, very, very steep! Almost every part of Dunedin city seems to be perched on a hill, and Baldwin Street is the steepest residential street in the world :-)
Hey Julie, hows it going? You good? Awesome, lovely to see you Julie Gunn of Wellington! Ha, my friend Julie has a radio show called "Animal Rights and Wrongs". The last two episodes in a row she's mentioned me by name. Heres the last incident, hearing this at during a lunch break at work, I was so surprised I nearly choked on a Marmite sandwich! The voice in my head was talking to me! Whispering in my ear, totally surreal it was!
So tell me about that nasty rash Julie, you have a WHAT on your WHERE? A nasty boil on your bottom, that needs to be lanced? UGH! Why are you sharing this with us Julie? Huh, you've got a top secret crush on Tom at your work? Well, I better stop this one sided conversation right now, before you tell us your Facebook password is "pimple bum julie loves tom", all hyphenated! Tricky to type out on a phone, but probably more secure than my Facebook password, jordan1234!
Last but certainly not least, we visited "The Joyful Vegan" Each Saturday at the Otago Farmers Market theres a great food stall called "The Joyful Vegan". Its a caravan, selling food, with massive lines and a dining area at the back… AND ITS ALL VEGAN!
Boy, The Joyful Vegan was just amazing! I just had to ask Tanya for an interview!
Thank you to everyone we visited in Dunedin! Thank you to "The Joyful Vegan", thank you to "Circadian Rhythm", thank you to Vegan friendly cafe "Modaks", thank you to Carl Scott, thank you to the siren that blared at us in Portebello, thank you to the geniuses that built Baldwin Street at such an insanely steep angle…..thank you to Chelsea Slobbe for sharing her great VEGAN recipe on national television……thank you to all the vegans in Dunedin!
We drove home with hundreds of photos, and fond memories.
And thank YOU, yes you, be you Julie Gun or someone very special who I haven't met yet, thank YOU for listening :-)
You can find the script for this episode, as well as downloads for every episode of Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals at
If you want to contact me, I'd really love to hear from YOU, please send me an email to
I'm also on Facebook and Twitter, Jordan Wyatt, W Y A T T and please, "like" our groups, Invercargill Vegan Society, and Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals.
Thank you for listening, I hope to to visit Dunedin with you one day, or perhaps I'll see you at the Animal Rights Conference in late July!
New Zealand Equal Marriage!
Our March 2013 Dunedin trip!
Hen Home Renovation! We sent the Hen Home door around New Zealand, gaining autographs from Vegans who look after chickens! We collected the door from Carl Scott, at the "Circadian Rhythm" vegetarian cafe in Dunedin :-)
Carl Scott Interview, 2011
National Animal Rights Conference 2011, "Episode 61 Auckland Antics"
Chelsea Slobbe, national televised Vegan baker! Her Chocolate Pineapple Upside Down Cake" is currently the highest rated recipe, and she appears in a tv ad!
Chelsea's personal website, "Healthy Chelsea" :-)
Baldwin Street, Dunedin city, New Zealand. The Steepest Residential Street In The World!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Episode 91 Go Vegans Love Marmite
Episode 91 Go Vegans Love Marmite
Listen now by downloading directly from here or, better yet, subscribe in iTunes to get each episode automagically!
Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals iTunes link
4m "Go Vegan" interview with a fantastic new organisation supporting New Zealand Vegans
17m "Vegans Love Marmite" campaign, Vegan labelling on popular products
26m interview with General Manager of "Sanitarium" Pierre van Heerden about Marmite, Vegan products
31m "Mediawatch", food companies influencing NZ media and receiving free publicity
44m interview with Colin Peacock of "Mediawatch" about Marmite, Veganism and free PR
1hr Invercargill Vegan Society updates, and Marmites return :-)
Vegan Chef Ben James interview episode, Episode 86
Seventh Day Adventist interview, I ask them if they can magically produce more Marmite for me :-) (Sanitarium, the company who made Marmite is an Adventist owned and operated business)
Mediawatch 10 June 2012 KFC "doubledown", "KFC Pie" free publicity
Mediawatch 24 June 2012, Phoney buzz from fastfood
Mediawatch March 17th 2013 - Marmites return, Sanitarium stunts
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Marmite Returns! Sanitarium General Manager Interview
Today has been a big day! I've moved a grand piano with the help of a high school rugby team, sanded back and restored a table, and suffered the crushing blow of my computer destroying itself!
But overall, I'll remember the 20th of March 2013 as the day Marmite was brought back from the dead!
By 8am this morning, I was in line at Invercargill Pak n Save. As soon as the door opened, eager Marmite fans walked through the self scanning checkouts and to the jam/canned fruit aisle. I edged out ahead and got the first jar of Marmite from the store :-)

Setting up my partner's computer for audio work, I received emails telling me that the General Manager of Sanitarium, Pierre van Heerden was in Wellington and ready for an interview!
And here it is :-)

download audio directly
I ask Sanitarium General Manager Pierre van Heerden about how heartbroken Sanitarium has been without Marmite, why the company has long supported Vegetarianism, and whether the company would support Vegans by labeling more of their products "vegan" :-) With more consumer demand from Vegans, the more "Vegan" products will be sold :-)
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Meeting The Quakers, the Religious Society Of Friends
Having met a local Hare Krishna group who offer "Free Veg Food" and our Seventh Day Adventist friends who demonstrate great healthy Vegan recipes, why not meet the Quakers too? :-)
Quakers are often Vegan or Vegetarian. While there were not any vegan Quakers at the meeting we attended, we had a great time learning how they feel about peace and non violence.
They believe in respect for everyone, their church as such as no strict beliefs, everyone is equal. They helped with civil rights for African Americans, and have always believed that women are equal to men. How could you not like a group which calls itself "The Religious Society Of Friends"? :-)
During a Quaker meeting, we all sat silently for an hour. Meditating? Praying? Counting the threads in a rug and imagining everyone else would burst into the Harlem Shake? It was nice to have a break from checking Facebook and planning animal rights campaigns :-)
I interviewed local Quaker Liz Miller about being a Quaker, and thanked her for not squashing a fly during the meeting :-)
Liz, Cathy and my partner Jenny
Similar religious groups linked to Veganism/Vegetarianism:
Having met a local Hare Krishna group who offer "Free Veg Food" and our Seventh Day Adventist friends who demonstrate great healthy Vegan recipes, why not meet the Quakers too? :-)
Sunday, February 10, 2013
2013 Surf to City Funrun Team Vegan INVSOC
After great success last year, the Invercargill Vegan Society once more rose to the Surf to City funrun challenge! Jordan and Jen entered in Team Vegan shirts, and we were joined by newly moved to Invercargill vegan Steph. Christina, an American vegan visiting Balclutha actually took a van down to stay with us a couple nights so she too could enter!
We had three entrants in the Invercargill Vegan Society "Team Vegan" last year, and FOUR this year! Well done :-)

The night before, beautiful black lines visible in the sky....aliens about to attack? Or something very a funrun the next day! :-)
We had three entrants in the Invercargill Vegan Society "Team Vegan" last year, and FOUR this year! Well done :-)

The night before, beautiful black lines visible in the sky....aliens about to attack? Or something very a funrun the next day! :-)

Waiting for the buses at Queens Park. We drove to the finish line, where a $2 donation gave us a bus ride from the finish to the start, Oreti Beach. The immature among us would think "DCK" was a bad choice for a license plate. I mean, its said aloud "Dee Cee Kay", right?

In a bus, we passed by some kind of horse abusing event. More on this soon, but notice the red "stock truck", which often take animals to the slaughterhouse.
If you click on this image to see it fullsize, you'll notice a shadowy horseman figure.....the apocalypse was near????

Oreti Beach is to be respected!
Scenes from "The Worlds Fastest Indian" were shot here, and some old guy used to drive his motorbike along the beach too.

Walking from our bus to the start line.
Sound system pumping dance pop music.
A couple exercise class leaders came out and did "Zumba" dance moves or something, trying to get us to warm up. We made fools of ourselves kicking and stepping and clapping along. And then these no doubt fit people jumped into a red BMW afterwards and drove past the running/cycling/walking crowds of thousands of people.....back to their gym no doubt, because they have to stay in shape you know!

Jen and Jordan at Oreti Beach.
Jen, Christina and Steph at Oreti Beach.

We entered in the Walking section, knowing we would jog through the funrun :-)
Cyclists first, going carefully so they dont stumble and end up killing one another. There was some kind of medical emergency before the start of the race, the radio DJ guy playing announcer asked "are there any doctors here?".
Here are the Runners section, just after the cyclists
Now our turn, the "walkers" :-)
And off we go!
Heading out from Oreti Beach....
Where we found a sign advertising the blinking Rodeo! "Relax at the rodeo!"?!?!?!? WHAT! Among all the carnage?

The rodeo setup. Animals tied to vehicles, some of which were stocktrucks used at slaughterhouses. The Invercargill Vegan Society recently investigated a horse slaughterhouse which sells "horse meat". Quite possibly some of the injured horses (and other animals!) would end up being slaughtered.
Some of the hot food advertised was "Bacon Butties".
Running past the ghastly rodeo, to the announcers yells of "YEAH, look at the technique there, next up the barrel.......". Goodness only knows what was going on, animals being wrestled and roped and thrown against the hard ground. And they were "judging" this, with madeup points?!?
We were glad to leave the Rodeo area.
Jen at an intersection, where we had stop/go paddles directing traffic.
Water station by Otatara school and Ziffs cafe.
Near New Zealand schools you'll find these solar powered gizmos. They show your current speed, suggesting you drive carefully around schools. I ran past at 17kph. Gotta stay within the speed limit! :-)

Protest sign directed at centre right National government local figures Bill English and Eric Roy. "English and Roy - IT IS TIME TO SAVE OUR SMELTER! SHOW SOUTHLAND YOUR KIWI METTLE. Next time I will vote Labour"
Our current government wont step in to "save the smelter".
Taking a photo opportunity at the same sign as last year! Kereru, New Zealand Pigeons get drunk off rotting berries and sometimes fly low across New Zealand roads. The sign warns drivers to be careful, not to hit these endangered birds.
A Fonterra dairy truck tried to squash the Invercargill Vegan Society's Team Vegan near the airport. We defied their two trailer manoeuvre, and vowed anew to CRUSH any of their entrants in the Surf to City funrun 2013 walking section! You'll have to try better than that Fon-Terror! :-)

Steph, Christina, Jen in action.
"Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride
Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no
I got to keep on movin'"
Hey, we spotted entrant number 666! A black fairy devil!
The Rakiura/Stewart Island plane coming in over the Invercargill estuary.
Steph, Christina, Jordan.
"Danger! This structure is a hazard. PLEASE KEEP OFF!" attached to a bridge over the estuary.
"Somebodies playing funny buggers!", Resene paint shop joking that there was another 25KM to go in the 12KM race :-P In actuality, it was just under 2KM.
Just like last year, running past the prison, taking photos :-)

Trying to look athletic as we Vegans sprinted past McDonalds. Big Macs being raised up and down by gawkers within. More about McDonalds soon.
As Vegans, we are trying to STOPping Violence in Southland.
1KM to go! We approach Queens Park.
The finish line!
Jen and Christina
Jen and Jordan
Finish Line! Jen, Steph and Christina run across the Surf to City 2013 finishline, while Jordan and Russell laugh :-) Go Vegan!
Mr Russell Masters met us at the finish line :-)
Enjoying the festivities at the finishline. Live music, donuts, hotdogs........balloons shaped like hearts from the Heart Foundation....
...parents paying to seal their kids into plastic balls.....
and Vegetarian kebabs advertised!
The Invercargill Vegan Society chose to support our friends at Pita Pit. They are fantastic, really Vegan friendly!
Great to see the usual team in a new setting, it would make a great change of pace for them too :-)
Great shirts. Christina's is by Mercy for Animals. The chick inside the pictured stomach says "not cool". On the back it says "go vegetarian". Like SAFE, the group is starting to promote Veganism, like the bold green Team Vegan athletics shirt Jen is sporting :-)
Falafel pitas from Pita Pit :-)
This is to certify that the Invercargill Vegan Society completed the event, Surf to City 2013! Well done everyone, Jen, Jordan, Christina and Steph :-)
Festivities at Queens Park.
Hello hello, whats all this about then? McDonalds talking directly to children, being seen as their buddy, always looking out for them?
Honestly, its just like our friends at the "Beef + Lamb" council and their mascot for children "Iron Brion", trying to brainwash little children. Here they literally have a "Fun & Magic Show".

The open package kinda looks like an old Happy Meal childrens order from McDonalds being opened. "This is where fun and magic come from children!"

Ronald McDonald leading children off, no doubt for more fun and magic. The pied piper of fastfood :-)
The original Ronald McDonald actor has gone Vegan, apologising for brainwashing children. Perhaps we could invite him to speak to the kids at Surf to City 2014? :-)

Thanks to friend Mark Gailmor for reminding me! I'd written down a note on my phone after the race, but its been a busy day and I originally forgot to add these photos. Thanks Mark!
RIGHT, having had enough of Ronald McDonald and the absolute brainwashing of captive youth, we went somewhere where there were absolutely, positively, 100% NO other CLOWNS!
The Carnival! Yes, like last year, the carnival was in town, coinciding with Surf to City :-)

Afraid of clowns? What could be scary about metal men waggling their cold mechanical and GAPING mouths from side to side? Why, they're LAUGHING! We all float down here!
Stay away from red haired clowns! :-)
Step Four to running a successful business, remind your customers to pay you!
Rodeos, Fonterra's swerving cowsmilk tanker of death and Ronald McDonald leading children astray at the park, it was a lovely day for the Invercargill Vegan Society :-)

Heres to Surf to City 2014! Well done Invercargill Vegan Society :-)
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