Saturday, June 30, 2012

Idea : Vegan ads on Supermarket Trolleys

Heres an idea draft : buying Supermarket Trolley ads at large supermarkets, everywhere that trolley went, a thin spreading of the Vegan message is sure to go! :-)

Quick "photoshop" drafts, the first promoting Vegan products instore, "Try the Almond Milk in aisle 5 - its awesome!".  Much better to have a positive message, and it serves to encourage the sale of Vegan items! :-)

Another idea would be to use photos of my Hen Friends, although this makes having text over top a little more difficult, as it either greatly obscures the photo, or the text is difficult to read -or both!  I'll work on a better variation of this idea, with clear text.

"For Vegan recipes and more photos of Hen Friends visit...." :-)

A work in progress, I'll see what other INVSOC members think, and then we can approach local supermarkets to see if we can buy an ad space on one trolley at each supermarket, at first, perhaps more in future :-)  Five years ago I'd never seen or heard the word "Vegan", seeing it on a supermarket trolley with a website link to find out more would have really had me interested in learning more :-)

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I like the look of the first hen pic the best.


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